Click here for the Yoo Hoo July '21 newsletter
No Club Meeting in July
Dear LAH Club Members and Friends, Who needs another virtual social meeting in a hot sizzling summer? As the Summer Solstice just passed on June 20, we are embracing the summer of 2021 with bustling downtown, crowded beaches, school re-opening, family and friends reunion. Last year when I was the Mayor, I delivered a message of hope: " Knowing our community is united together to combat the virus war, I truly believe this war will make us stronger and it will end sooner or later." Yes, the pandemic has indeed ended. While we are not ready to gather fully in person, the club board decided to take a break from another virtual social networking gathering in July. We will be meeting for a delicious luncheon in September at Fremont Hills Country Club. Want to find out who are our board members? Please see the YooHoo Newsletter and check out our website's About Us page. Enjoy Summer. Love Life. |