January 12, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89690620836?pwd=WjAxd1ducHUveFpsdERhSWRld2VDQT09 Meeting ID: 896 9062 0836 Passcode: 94022
State of the Town of Los Altos Hills
New Los Altos Hills Mayor, Kavita Tankha will participate in our first virtual Zoom meeting on January 12, 2021 and present the state of the Town of Los Altos Hills. She will be joined by Carl Cahil, City Manager; Zach Dahl, Planning Director, Sara Robustelli, Senior Community Services Supervisor, and Chief Tony Bowden of the Santa Clara County Fire Department. They will respond to questions submitted by members of the LAH Club.
It has been a tradition to invite the mayor and town management to our luncheon events to provide an update on current status of the Town regarding fiscal, planning & development issues, recreation opportunities, safety & security, and plans for future. This year, because of the increased wildland fire danger, we are pleased to have a representative from the Santa Clara County Fire Department -- that is under contract with the Los Altos Hills County Fire District -- participating to provide updates on fire protection measures for the community. Information about Town issues will be discussed and the District will provide guidance on how you can implement fire protective measures for your home.